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Collaberative Applications

Multiplayer SimCity

DUX Software

Multi Player SimCity: A Cooperative Multi User City SimulationProduct of the Year -- UNIX World Magazine 1993Product of the Year -- UNIX Review Magazine 1994The multi player version of SimCity is an animated interactive systemsimulation game, providing a set of rules and tools for planning andbuilding a complex, dynamic simulated city. Several people at differentworkstations can participate in the same game, cooperating andcoordinating their actions across the network.Working together, you can zone land use, hook up the power grid; buildroads, bridges, parks and stadiums; raise taxes, and even summondisasters, causing the city to grow and thrive, or crumble and die.Multi Player SimCity features multiple city views and maps with overlays,simultaneous editing and user interface interaction, "voting panels" forgroup decision making, and multimedia communication and annotationfeatures ("bridges between players").The multi user interface supports communication via three media inparallel, text, simulation, and graphics. It includes a scrolling textlog for telegram messages, shared cursors and graphical overlays,including "electric chalk" for drawing, gesturing, annotating and editingthe maps.The purpose of the experience is to create a constructive cooperativevirtual environment, where people can collaborate towards a common goal,take part in group decisions, and share resources, responsibility, andthe consequences of each others actions. Multi Player SimCity is robustand easy to use with engaging interactive sound effects and livelygraphical animation, so it's fun to watch as well as play.Multi Player SimCity can be played across several different makes ofcomputers at once ("bridges between brands"). It presently runs on colorSPARC and Indigo workstations (and is easily portable to other UNIXplatforms), and plays over the net (but without sound) on other 8-bitcolor X terminals and workstations.Multi Player SimCity for X11 sports the Motif look and feel, implementedusing the efficient TCL/tk toolkit. It features multiple city editorsand maps with overlays, fast, colorful animation, engaging sound effects,easy-to-use pie menus, and direct manipulation interaction, simultaneousmulti player editing, communication, and annotation facilities, andvoting dialogs for group decision-making It includes eight challengingscenarios and library of interesting cities.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

DUX Software
425 Sherman Ave Ste 330
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (415) 473-1800
        (800) 543-4999
Fax: (415) 462-8723